94 research outputs found

    Tracing the evolution of long non-coding RNAs: Principles of comparative transcriptomics for splice site conservation and biological applications

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    Eukaryotic cells exhibit an extensive transcriptional diversity. Only about a quarter of the total RNA in the human cell can be accounted for by messenger RNA (mRNA), which convey genetic code for protein generation. The remaining part of the transcriptome consists of rather heterogenous molecules. While some classes are well defined and have been shown to carry out distinct functions, ranging from housekeeping to complex regulatory tasks, a big fraction of the transcriptional output is categorized solely based on the lack of protein-coding capacity and transcript length. Several studies have shown, that as a group, mRNA-like long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs), are under stabilizing selection, however at much weaker levels than mRNAs. The conservation at the level of primary sequence is even lower, blurring the contrast between exonic and intronics parts, which impedes traditional methods of genome-wide homology search. As a consequence their evolutionary history is a fairly unexplored field and apart from a few experimentally studied cases, the vast majority of them is reported to be poorly conserved. However, the pervasive transcription and the highly spatio-temporal specific expression patterns of lncRNAs suggests their functional importance and makes their evolutionary age and conservation patterns a topic of interest. By employing diverse computational methods, recent studies shed light on the common conservation of lncRNA’s secondary and gene structures, highlighting the significance of structural features on functionality. Splice sites, in particular, are frequently retained over very large evolutionary time scales, as they maintain the intron-exon-structure of the transcript. Consequently, the conservation of splice sites can be utilized in a comparative genomics approach to establish homology and predict evolutionarily well-conserved transcripts, regardless of their coding capacity. Since splice site conservation cannot be directly inferred from experimental evidence, in the course of this thesis a computational pipeline was established to generate comparative maps of splice sites based on multiple sequence alignments together with transcriptomics data. Scoring schemes for splice site motifs are employed to assess the conservation of orthologs. This resource can then be used to systemically study the conservation patterns of RNAs and their gene structures. This thesis will demonstrate the versatility of this method by showcasing biological applications of three distinct studies. First, a comprehensive annotation of the human transcriptome, from RefSeq, ESTs and GENCODE, was used to trace the evolution of human lncRNAs. A large majority of human lncRNAs is found to be conserved across Eutheria, and many hundreds originated before the divergence of marsupials and placental mammals. However, they exhibit a rapid turnover of their transcript structures, indicating that they are actual ancient components of the vertebrate genome with outstanding evolutionary plasticity. Additionally, a public web server was setup, which allows the user to retrieve sets of orthologous splice sites from pre-computed comparative splice site maps and inspect visualizations of their conservation in the respective species. Second, a more specific data set of non-colinearly spliced latimerian RNAs is studied to fathom the origins of atypical transcripts. RNA-seq data from two coelacanth species are analyzed, yielding thousands of circular and trans-spliced products, with a surprising exclusivity of the majority of their splice junctions to atypically spliced forms, that is they are not used in linear isoforms. The conservation analysis with comparative splice site maps yielded high conservation levels for both cir- cularizing and trans-connecting splice sites. This fact in combination with their abundance strongly suggests that atypical RNAs are evolutionarily old and of functional importance. Lastly, comparative splice site maps are used to investigate the role of lncRNAs in the evolution of the Alzheimer’s disease (AD). The human specificity of AD clearly points out a phylogenetic aspect of the disease, which makes the evolutionary analysis a very promising field of research. Protein- coding and non-protein-coding regions, that have been identified to be differentially expressed in AD patients, are analyzed for conservation of their splice site and evolution of their exon-intron-structure. Both non-coding and protein-coding AD-associated genes are shown to have evolved more rapidly in their gene structure than the genome at large. This supports the view of AD as a consequence of the recent rapid adaptive evolution of the human brain. This phylogenetic trait might have far reaching consequences with respect to the appropriateness of animal models and the development of disease-modifying strategies.Eukaryotische Zellen legen eine umfangreiche transkriptionelle Vielfalt an den Tag. Nur etwa ein Viertel der in der menschlichen Zelle enthaltenen RNA ist messenger RNA (mRNA), welche den genetischen Code für die Proteingenerierung übermittelt. Der verbleibende Anteil des Transkriptoms besteht aus eher heterogenen Molekülen. Während einigen wohldefinierten Klassen spezifische Funktionen zugeordnet werden können, welche von Zellhaushalt bis zu komplexen regulatorischen Aufgaben reichen, wird ein großer Teil der transkriptionellen Produktion ausschließlich auf Grundlage der fehlenden Kodierungskapazität und der Transkriptlänge kategorisiert. Einige Studien zeigten, dass mRNA-ähnliche lange nicht-kodierende RNA (lncRNA) als Gruppe unter stabilisierender Selektion stehen, wenn auch in einem weitaus geringeren Ausmaß als mRNAs. Die Konservierung auf Ebene der primären Sequenz ist sogar noch niedriger, wodurch der Kontrast zwischen exonischen und intronischen Elementen verschwimmt und Methoden der traditionellen Homologiesuche erschwert werden. Infolgedessen ist die evolutionäre Geschichte der lncRNAs ein recht unerforschtes Gebiet und abgesehen von ein paar vereinzelten Fallstudien wird die große Mehrheit als schwach konserviert vermeldet. Die tiefgreifende Transkription und die in Raum und Zeit hochspezifischen Expressionsmuster von lncRNA deuten jedoch auf deren funktionelle Bedeutung hin und machen ihr evolutionäres Alter und ihre Konservierungsmuster zu einem Thema von Interesse. Durch die Verwendung von computergestützten Methoden konnten jüngste Studien die verbreitete Konservierung von Sekundär- und Genstruktur von lncRNAs aufzeigen, was die Signifikanz von strukturellen Merkmalen in Bezug auf deren Funktionalität unterstreicht. Spleißstellen im besonderen werden oft über lange evolutionäre Zeitspannen erhalten, da sie die Intron-Exon-Struktur des Transkripts bewahren. Folglich, kann die Konservierung von Spleißstellen durch einen Ansatz der vergleichenden Genomik benutzt werden, um Homologie herzuleiten und evolutionär gut konservierte Transkripte unabhängig von deren Kodierungskapazität zu prognostizieren. Da es nicht möglich ist die Spleißstellenkonservierung direkt anhand von experimentellen Indikatoren abzulesen, wurde im Zuge dieser These eine computergestützte Methode entwickelt, welche, basierend auf multiplen Sequenzalignments und Transkriptomikdaten, “Vergleichskarten” von Spleißstellen erstellt. Ein Punktebewertungssystem für Spleißstellenmotive wird benutzt um die Konservierung der Orthologen zu beurteilen. Diese Resource kann anschließend verwendet werden um systematisch die Konservierungsmuster von RNAs und deren Genstrukturen zu untersuchen. Diese Arbeit wird die Vielseitigkeit dieser Methode demonstrieren, indem die biologische Anwendung in drei verschiedenen Studien präsentiert wird. Zuerst wird eine umfassende Annotation des menschlichen Transkriptoms, basierend auf RefSeq, EST und GENCODE, benutzt, um die Evolution von humanen lncRNAs nachzuvollziehen. Es konnte festgestellt werden, dass eine große Mehrheit der menschlichen lncRNAs innerhalb der Eutheria konserviert ist und mehrere hundert bereits vor der Auseinanderentwicklung von Beuteltieren und höheren Säugetieren entstanden. Dennoch zeigen sie eine rasante Veränderung in ihren Transkriptstrukturen, welche darauf hindeutet, dass sie tatsächlich alte Bestandteile von Vertebratengenomen mit bemerkenswerter evolutionärer Formbarkeit sind. Zusätzlich wurde ein öffentlicher Webserver aufgesetzt, der dem Nutzer ermöglicht Datensätze orthologer Spleißstellen aus vorgenerierten Vergleichskarten zu extrahieren und Visualisierungen der Konservierung in den jeweiligen Spezies zu betrachten. Als zweites wird ein spezifischerer Datensatz von nicht-linear gespleißten Latimeria-RNA untersucht um die Ursprünge untypischer Transkripte zu ergründen. Die Analyse der RNA-seq Daten zweier Exemplare des Quastenflossers ergab tausende zirkulärer und Transspleiß-Produkte, wobei die Mehrheit der Spleißverbindungen eine überraschende Exklusivität für untypisch gespleißte Formen aufzeigt, d.h. diese werden nicht für lineare Isoformen genutzt. Die Konservierungsanalyse mit Spleißstellen-Vergleichskarten ergibt hohe Konservierungsniveaus sowohl für zirkulärisierende als auch für trans-verbindende Spleißstellen. Diese Tatsache in Kombination mit ihrem häufigen Vorkommen, deutet stark darauf hin, dass untypische RNAs evolutionär alt und von funktioneller Bedeutung sind. Zuletzt werden Spleißstellen-Vergleichskarten benutzt um die Rolle von lncRNAs in der Evolution der Alzheimer-Krankheit (AK) zu untersuchen. Die Spezifität der AK auf den Menschen weist klar auf einen phylogenetischen Aspekt der Krankheit hin, was deren evolutionäre Analyse zu einem vielversprechenden Forschungsgebiet macht. Proteinkodierende und nicht-proteinkodierende Regionen, bei denen eine differentielle Expression in AK-Patienten erkannt wurde, werden auf die Konservierung ihrer Spleißstellen und Evolution ihrer Exon-Intron-Strukturen hin analysiert. Es kann nachgewiesen werden, dass sich die Genstruktur von sowohl nicht-kodierenden als auch von proteinkodierenden AK-assoziierten Genen schneller entwickelt als das Genom im Allgemeinen. Das unterstützt die Auffassung, dass AK die Folge einer kürzlichen rasanten adaptiven Evolution des menschlichen Gehirns ist. Diese phylogenetische Eigenschaft könnte weitreichende Konsequenzen in Bezug auf die Angemessenheit von Tiermodellen und die Entwicklung von krankheitsmodifizierenden Strategien haben

    Investigations on the physical and mechanical behaviour of sycamore maple ( Acer pseudoplatanus L.)

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    Physical and mechanical properties of sycamore maple (Acer pseudoplatanus L.) were extensively investigated as basis for three-dimensional material modelling for structural simulations (e.g., with finite element method) based on this species. The physical properties of swelling, water absorption, water vapour resistance and thermal conductivity were tested and the mechanical properties of tensile, bending and compression strength and of Young's modulus (static and dynamic) as well as of Poisson's ratio, shear strength, shear modulus and fracture toughness were determined. The tests were carried out for most of the features depending on moisture content and also in all three anatomical main directions: longitudinal, radial and tangentia

    Morphometry of SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2 particles in ultrathin plastic sections of infected Vero cell cultures

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    SARS-CoV-2 is the causative of the COVID-19 disease, which has spread pandemically around the globe within a few months. It is therefore necessary to collect fundamental information about the disease, its epidemiology and treatment, as well as about the virus itself. While the virus has been identified rapidly, detailed ultrastructural analysis of virus cell biology and architecture is still in its infancy. We therefore studied the virus morphology and morphometry of SARS-CoV-2 in comparison to SARS-CoV as it appears in Vero cell cultures by using conventional thin section electron microscopy and electron tomography. Both virus isolates, SARS-CoV Frankfurt 1 and SARS-CoV-2 Italy-INMI1, were virtually identical at the ultrastructural level and revealed a very similar particle size distribution with a median of about 100 nm without spikes. Maximal spike length of both viruses was 23 nm. The number of spikes per virus particle was about 30% higher in the SARS-CoV than in the SARS-CoV-2 isolate. This result complements a previous qualitative finding, which was related to a lower productivity of SARS-CoV-2 in cell culture in comparison to SARS-CoV.Peer Reviewe

    Tax Burden of Russian Oil Companies after Tax Consolidation

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    This article takes studying the impact of tax consolidation on oil companies' tax burden as its focus. Oil companies are crucial for the Russian economy while oil and gas money are as well important for the Russian budget. Besides, a lot of oil companies being major taxpayers have had the opportunity to consolidate corporate profit tax since 2012. The article's goal is to analyze the results of creating consolidated groups of taxpayers for tax burden in terms of corporate profit tax exemplified by oil companies in order to assess the importance of profit tax consolidation as a way of reducing corporate profit tax. Upon analyzing the data provided by the Federal Tax Service of Russia and 2010-2015 oil companies' financial reports, it is possible to conclude that the largest tax burden falls on fossil fuel industry in comparison with other industries what can be explained first of all by the mineral extraction tax. Corporate profit tax burden for most oil companies in 2014 accounted for 5% of revenue. At the same time, profit tax burdens on consolidated groups of taxpayers producing oil vary a lot; in 2012, the general trend was falling, but then it started to grow again. Thus, it is impossible to state that tax obligations and corporate profit tax burden have significantly decreased as a result of creating consolidated groups of taxpayers for oil producers. Quantitative analysis of money spent for paying the profit tax might be interestingfor describing consequences of creating consolidated groups of taxpayers

    Workforce and Professional Education

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    Given that the workforce constitutes a principal resource of primary care, appraisal of models of care requires thorough investigation of the health workforce in all Models of Child Health Appraised (MOCHA) countries. This chapter explores this in terms of workforce composition, remuneration, qualifications and training in relation to the needs of children and young people. We have focused on two principal disciplines of primary care; medicine and nursing, with a specific focus on training and skills to care for children in primary care, particularly those with complex care needs, adolescents and vulnerable groups. We found significant disparities in workforce provision and remuneration, in training curricula and in resultant skills of physicians and nurses in European Union and European Economic Area Countries. A lack of overarching standards and recognition of some of the specific needs of children reflected in training of physicians and nurses may lead to suboptimal care for children. There are, of course, many other professions that also contribute to primary care services for children, some of which are discussed in Chapter 15, but we have not had resources to study these to the same detail

    A temperate former West Antarctic ice sheet suggested by an extensive zone of bed channels

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    Several recent studies predict that the West Antarctic Ice Sheet will become increasingly unstable under warmer conditions. Insights on such change can be assisted through investigations of the subglacial landscape, which contains imprints of former ice-sheet behavior. Here, we present radio-echo sounding data and satellite imagery revealing a series of ancient large sub-parallel subglacial bed channels preserved in the region between the Möller and Foundation Ice Streams, West Antarctica. We suggest that these newly recognized channels were formed by significant meltwater routed along the icesheet bed. The volume of water required is likely substantial and can most easily be explained by water generated at the ice surface. The Greenland Ice Sheet today exemplifies how significant seasonal surface melt can be transferred to the bed via englacial routing. For West Antarctica, the Pliocene (2.6–5.3 Ma) represents the most recent sustained period when temperatures could have been high enough to generate surface melt comparable to that of present-day Greenland. We propose, therefore, that a temperate ice sheet covered this location during Pliocene warm periods

    Phenotypic Expression of ADAMTS13 in Glomerular Endothelial Cells

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    Background: ADAMTS13 is the physiological von Willebrand factor (VWF)-cleaving protease. The aim of this study was to examine ADAMTS13 expression in kidneys from ADAMTS13 wild-type (Adamts13+/+) and deficient (Adamts13-/-) mice and to investigate the expression pattern and bioactivity in human glomerular endothelial cells. Methodology/Principal Findings: Immunohistochemistry was performed on kidney sections from ADAMTS13 wild-type and ADAMTS13-deficient mice. Phenotypic differences were examined by ultramorphology. ADAMTS13 expression in human glomerular endothelial cells and dermal microvascular endothelial cells was investigated by real-time PCR, flow cytometry, immunofluorescence and immunoblotting. VWF cleavage was demonstrated by multimer structure analysis and immunoblotting. ADAMTS13 was demonstrated in glomerular endothelial cells in Adamts13+/+ mice but no staining was visible in tissue from Adamts13-/- mice. Thickening of glomerular capillaries with platelet deposition on the vessel wall was detected in Adamts13-/- mice. ADAMTS13 mRNA and protein were detected in both human endothelial cells and the protease was secreted. ADAMTS13 activity was demonstrated in glomerular endothelial cells as cleavage of VWF. Conclusions/Significance: Glomerular endothelial cells express and secrete ADAMTS13. The proteolytic activity could have a protective effect preventing deposition of platelets along capillary lumina under the conditions of high shear stress present in glomerular capillaries. © 2011 Tati et al.published_or_final_versio

    Species-specific Fungal DNA in Airborne Dust as Surrogate for Occupational Mycotoxin Exposure?

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    Possible health risks associated with occupational inhalation of mycotoxin-containing dust remain largely unknown, partly because methods for mycotoxin detection are not sensitive enough for the small dust masses obtained by personal sampling, which is needed for inhalable exposure measurements. Specific and sensitive PCR detection of fungi with mycotoxin-producing potential seem to be a good surrogate for occupational exposure measurements that include all fungal structures independent of morphology and cultivability. Results should, however, be interpreted with caution due to variable correlations with mycotoxin concentrations